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START UP CASTLE 2017 will be celebrated the next 23th of Octoberin the alentejian locality of Montemor-o-Novo. This event aims to promote the support receive in the promotion of entrepreneurs and business management. The event is built to foster the interactions among companies from different contests and it is an excellent opportunity to find news organizations and companies to work with.

The Chamber of Commerce of Badajoz had been invited as a Spanish participant to this event based on the intense promotion of their region through the business incubators. Mr. Manuel Coronado Piñana (Hidroener Technical Manager) and Ms. Cristina Sanabria Lagar (Managing Director of Harca Sustainable Marketing) will join the Chamber technicians to share their experience working with the Chamber of Commerce to the auditorium.

Badajoz Chamber will take the opportunity to present the ReiNOVA (Reindustrialization, entrepreneurship and innovation in the traditional productive sectors – financed by the European Union trough Interreg Program –POCTEP 2014-2020) transnational cooperation project about innovation in the agro-food industry. Furthermore, YEIM program willhelp to provide information about the different START UP and companies that will assistto this initiative. The Chamber of Badajoz is trying to potentiate the interchange of knowledge and experiences among the companies and entrepreneurs from all over Portugal and Extremadura.

START UP CASTLE is an event promoted by Montemor-o-Novo, ADRAL, CAME and the Cultural Association Ficha Tripla.

By | 2019-02-21T11:14:19+00:00 October 23rd, 2017|